Hey Folks-
I'm very excited to announce that my old website http://www.beefymuchacho.com/ will be back up and running again soon.
There you'll be able to listen to pod-casts and enjoy some other more random stuff that I'm doing and working on that doesn't quite fit here.
Just working on re-doing the layouts and revamping. It was originally there as a test site for items on SiteRightNow.com who has agreed to host the site for free.
I'm especially excited to be unveiling a new logo partially designed by Tony Doench, a friend of mine from my theatrical exploits.
More on here soon. Probably about the Reds. Or Disney.
Why Scar? Because I said so.
Ooh that's exciting! Are you going to move your blog there??
No... I think the Blog shall stay where it is, but I'll be hosting the podcasts there, and possibly doing some e-commerce type things there as well. I will also have an e-mail address: MainMuchacho@BeefyMuchacho.com
It's all very exciting.
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